They demonstrated a prototype 4K 3D monitor a few years back, but I heard no more about it since then. It's really nice to hear that it's actually working out well for you.Īs far as other alternatives to 3D Vision Pro are concerned, you may perhaps be familiar with Dimenco. I checked up a few months back as to what other 3D tech was currently available in the marketplace after NVidia's official cancellation of its support for 3D Vision, and Pluraview was also one of those alternatives that I looked into. Mail: there any quality 3D alternative to Nvidia Vision 3D pro i missed?

They have three sizes 22", 27" and 28" (resolution full HD, 2K & 4K per eye) Unlike Nvidia its not based on shutter technology it is passive 3D so safe for eyes and very longer use. I found an alternative to the Nvidia, its called 3D Pluraview from Schneider-Digital, i have the monitor and it is amazing Its so sad that Nvidia has stopped vision 3D pro, it is not available in market anymore As time goes on, I hope to get the opportunity to post here a little more often than before, to discuss with other fellow enthusiasts how stereoscopic 3D PC gaming can not only be saved but can go on to even bigger and better things in the future. Incidentally, thank you both for being such stalwarts over the years regarding 3D Vision and Virtual Reality technology, seeing as Oculus got it's start on this very site. I can only hope that I've done your site's avatar justice, but I think it's probably best that I let others be the judge of that. Neil, on a side note, way back at least a dozen years ago now, you kindly offered me your website's avatar which I've proudly displayed on NVidia's Geforce forums ever since. At this stage it's only a tentative expectation in that regard, but the fact of the matter is, is if sub-forums like this no longer existed, the stereoscopic 3D gaming community would've simply had to have made one up.

I'm hoping that others may well come to sites like this one, to at least have a place to discuss 3D Vision related topics, and possibly discuss what possible alternatives could possibly replace it in the near future.

I'd like to think that I'm in advance of numerous other stereoscopic 3D enthusiasts that may well over time, have to abandon NVidia's 3D Vision forum, before it finally abandons us. I've taken the opportunity to sign up, as a soon-to-be 3D Vision refugee, given the official announcement by NVidia to end its support for this technology.